3.  081352 AA 11 Lost Contact

Boston Sector:  American 11, climb, maintain flight level three five zero.

Boston Sector:  American 11, climb, maintain flight level three five zero.

Boston Sector:  American 11, Boston.

Boston Sector:  (Indistinct) Mike Lima how do you hear?

Mike Lima:  Mike Lima has you loud and clear.

Boston Sector:  American 11, Boston.

Boston Sector:  American one one, the American on the frequency, how do you hear me?

Athens Sector:  This is Athens.

Boston Sector:  This is Boston, I turned American 20 left and I was going to climb him, he will not respond to me now at all.

Athens Sector:  Looks like he is turning right.

Boston Sector:  Yeah, I turned him 20 right.

Athens Sector:  Oh, ok.

Boston Sector:  And he’s only going to, I think, twenty nine.

Athens Sector:  Ok.

Boston Sector:  Well.

Athens Sector:  That’s fine.

Boston Sector:  But I’m not talking to him.

Athens Sector:  He’s NORDO, roger.

Boston Sector:  Thanks.

Boston Sector:  Mike Lima descend at pilot’s discretion and maintain flight level two four zero.

Mike Lima:  Two four zero, will begin now, Mike Lima.

Boston Sector:  American 11, Boston.

Boston Sector:  American 11, if you hear Boston Center, ident.

            [Background] Boston Sector:  (indistinct)

Boston Sector:  American 11 if you hear Boston Center ident please, or acknowledge.

Boston Sector:  American 11, if you hear Boston Center re-contact Boston Center on one two seven point eight two, that’s American 11, one two seven eight two.