12.  083053  AA11 Pascione Summation to Unknown

Herndon Center:  Well Boston Center claims that, uh, ah they lost radio communication with the aircraft.

Unknown:  And transponder, too

Herndon Center:  And the transponder. And there’s also, ah, they’re trackin’ the primary target at this point, he was last known at ah flight level two nine zero.

Unknown:  Uh, huh

Herndon Center:  And he appears to have turned, ah, south, southwest bound, and uh, also, there was some mention of some sort of a, a threat bein’ made, or ah

Unknown:  He made?

Herndon Center:  A threat to the cockpit, or, some threat.

Unknown:  Oh shit, let me get the managers involved.

Herndon Center:  In the cockpit.  (Indistinct) Boston is uncertain exactly what was said. I guess they are goin’ to pull the tapes as quick as they can.

Unknown:  Hey Tom, where can I reach you back?  What number at?

Herndon Center:  Um, xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Unknown:  Ok, alright, (indistinct) I’ll call you back.