27.  084555  NEADS Powell Otis Scramble

Command Post:  Command Post up

Giant Killer:  Giant Killer’s on

Powell:  Approach

Approach:  Approach is on.

Powell:  This is Huntress with an active air defense scramble for Panta four five, four six.  Time, one two four six.  Authenticate delta x-ray.  Scramble immediately, Panta four five, four six, heading two eight zero, flight level two niner zero. Contact Huntress on frequency two two eight decimal niner.  Backup three six four decimal two. All parties acknowledge with initials.  Command Post.

Command Post: Mike Kilo

Tower: (Indistinct).

Approach:  Tango Julliet.

Giant Killer:  (Indistinct).

Powell:  All parties are cleared to drop, Juliet Papa here.